Tennessee Valley Authority into existence: The Legacy of Senator Norris

By The Norris Institute | November 3, 2023

George Norris had the foresight to envision a system of dams on America’s waterways that would:

  • Improve the navigability and to provide for flood control of the Tennessee River;

  • For reforestation and the proper use of marginal lands of the Tennessee Valley;

  • For the agricultural and industrial development of the Tennessee Valley;

  • For the national defense by the creation of a corporation for the operation of

government property at or near Muscle Shoals, AL;

  • Provide for the manufacturing of publicly owned hydro-electricity to the areas

surrounding Muscle Shoals and the Tennessee Valley.

This vision was 12 years in the making from 1921-1933 when the Tennessee Valley Authority was finally passed in Congress and signed into law by Franklin D. Roosevelt.

During the late teens and 1920’s the United States had a stubborn belief that private enterprise was the only means of growing our country. So, when the country entered WWI, it followed that private industry would supply the arms and ammunition needed for the war effort. But nitrates were needed for the building of munitions and the South American country of Chili was the main supplier to the world. There was a means to manufacture nitrogen from the air but this required vast amounts of electricity. Also, nitrogen was used to manufacture fertilizer. Therefore, Muscle Shoals dam and plant were passed through Congress to meet these needs.

After the war was concluded, Secretary of War Weeks asked for bids for the leasing of Muscle Shoals with the intent that private development and operation would be advantageous. In 1921, Henry Ford first submitted his bid and hearings were opened. In 1922-1926, various bills were offered to Congress. In 1926, Mr. Norris introduced S.J. Res. 2147 to provide for the operation of Dam #2 at Muscle Shoals, for the construction of other dams on the Tennessee River and its tributaries, and for the incorporation of the Federal Power Corporation; this bill was referred to committee and no action was taken. In 1927 and 1928, Mr. Norris again submitted bills for this purpose, which were passed through Congress but were vetoed by the President.

In 1933, Mr. Norris introduced S.J. 1272 to meet these purposes. This too was passed by Congress and finally signed into law by Mr. Roosevelt. The TVA bill allowed for a publicly owned power company to oversee the production and distribution of hydro- electricity generated by the dams.

In “Fighting Liberal”, Mr. Norris wrote, “This is the great giant whom the American People have at their service to obey their will, and perform their labors, and gladden their lives. This is the giant who was ready and willing at a time when the demands of war, involving a serious need for great electrical power, presented a grave crisis to the American People. This is the giant who will brighten the lives and bring laughter to the lips of many generations of children in the old Southland where poverty and national neglect have brought sorrow. And this giant, striding across America, begetting stalwart sons of other river valleys, will fight the battle of the American people to realize the hopes of happiness to which all peoples aspire.

It is such a simple process.

For full comprehension of the system, it need only be recalled that water used to generate electricity at the various dams is used time and again-the same water. The turbines generating power at Douglas Dam turn the water they use back to the Tennessee above the Fort Loudoun Dam-the last situated on the upper reaches of the Tennessee. Thus, this water, which already has been used to generate electricity in the turbines of the Douglas Dam, is used nine times more as it flows down past the nine main dams in the river.”

The Tennessee Valley Authority process has been the model for all other dams and reservoir systems in the country, then and since. Mr. Norris is seen as the inspiration for the appropriate use of waterways and hydropower in our country.

Written by Laurie Sinner of McCook.

Posted on December 21, 2023 .